
If you would like to donate to Midland International Aid Trust UK please email for a copy of the Gift Aid Form. Or you can pick from one of our causes below.

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Account No: 67582621

Natwest Bank, Park Street, Walsall, WS1 1ER

Emergency aid for humanitarian purposes

£50,000 of £200,000 raised
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Donation Total: £100.00

Vocational Training support in India

£3,000 of £10,000 raised
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Donation Total: £100.00

£1,820 of £20,000 raised


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£1,820 of £20,000 raised
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Donation Total: £100.00

£1,860 of £10,000 raised

Club Feet

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Club Feet

£1,860 of £10,000 raised
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Donation Total: £100.00

£2,480 of £10,000 raised


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£2,480 of £10,000 raised
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Donation Total: £100.00

£12,951 of £5,000 raised

WASUP – World Against Single Use Plastics – Help the Environment!

WASUP was founded by Prof Gatrad. Walsall Against Single Use plastic (WASUP) is about raising awareness through posters, videos talks etc

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WASUP – World Against Single Use Plastics – Help the Environment!

£12,951 of £5,000 raised

WASUP was founded by Prof Gatrad. Walsall Against Single Use plastic (WASUP) is about raising awareness through posters, videos talks etc and practically discussing with various groups how to decrease the use of plastic in their organisation in Walsall. Professor Gatrad has already visited 10 schools in Walsall and is hoping to visit all schools in a 12 month period.

Professor Gatrad OBE launched the WASUP project at the Manor Hospital on the 23rd January 2019. The launch was a culmination of many meeting with various groups: Walsall College, Walsall Housing Group, The Manor Hospital, Schools, Scouts, Communities, the Canal and Rivers Trust, Friends of the Earth and supermarkets (TESCO). All this with support from the Lord Lieutenant John Crabtree OBE, Andy Street (West Midland Mayor), the local council, businessmen. Michal Gove who has written a letter congratulating Prof Gatrad on the WASUP Project. At the launch, each of the groups discussed their strategy of helping decrease single-use plastic.  Collaborations such as Canal and Rivers Trust working with the scouts, schools and the community will help clean canals on a rota system.

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Donation Total: £100.00

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