Humanitarian Aid

The Trust cannot thank Mr Aslam, the founder member of the organization, enough for his energy and passion to travel around the world and help the destitute. He has travelled out of the UK over 50 times in the last 10 year and been away from his family for a period well over 2 years. He has travelled to many countries including: Albania, Kosovo, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Indonesia, Haiti, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, South Africa, Malawi and Ethiopia.

The Trust has supported Haiti where we worked with the United Nations and helped house 500 people in tents that we took with us. In the Tsunami and the floods of Bangladesh and the earthquake of Pakistan and floods of Bihar in India we provided food, shelter, medicines and clean water through providing water wells. In Mazafarabad a breeze block factory was set up to help employ 20 people who in turn would help with house building. This project continues to this day. We also built a school for 1000 children and opened a Woman’s Centre to help educate 70 young girls and women in not only academic education but also skills such as sewing.

Famine as a result of failure of rains affecting the Horn of Africa
Mr Aslam travelled to Kenya in August 2011 and visited the refugee sites there and saw first hand the humanitarian crisis facing millions of people displaced from Ethiopia and Somalia. He was there with a Charity called Caravans of Mercy. Many thousands of families were provided with basics such as water, rice wheat sugar and tea. The trip lasted a week. Longer term projects are planned to set up small irrigation projects with provision of a water pumps. Our investigations have revealed that it will be fairly easy to bore for water – each well costing approximately £150.

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Kenya Trip 2011

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