Pakistan Cleft Lip & Palate Association Hospital (PCLAPA)

Approximately 1 in 500 children in Pakistan are born with a defect of the lip and palate (the roof of the mouth). This is called a cleft lip and palate abnormality, as seen in the pictures. Babies and children are unable to feed or speak properly. They have a lot of infections in the mouth and ears, often leading to hearing difficulties. Schooling is often impossible and such children are made outcasts, with very little prospects of marriage.

In 1995 the Pakistan Cleft Lip and Palate Association was formed and since then with the help of plastic surgeons, travelling form places such as the UK, over 1500 children have been operated. The Midland International Aid Trust has sponsored 573 operations to date (July 2100) and a further ‘camp’ is planned in October 2011. More than one operation is often necessary – each costing approximately £150.

The Japanese government donated R9m (approx. £75,000) to build a new hospital purely for these operations. The water services for the hospital were donated by Prof Gatrad as a memory to his parents. The building still needs furniture and equipment which the Midland Trust is hoping to partly help PCLAPA with, once the hospital is built. The plans of this new hospital under construction can be viewed.

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