Pakistan Floods

By far our biggest financial undertaking has been the floods in Pakistan. We have spent over £110,000, most of which was collected over a period of months from Walsall and towns/cities nearby. We held a high profile function in the Town hall and invited Lord Ahmed as our Chief Guest. The Lord Mayor, MP’s, Councillors and many dignitaries were present. On the night we raised over £60,000. We collaborated with the Young Muslim British Youth in this joint venture. The BBC was represented and as a result of this 2 reporters from Radio/TV travelled to Pakistan to inspect and report on our projects here in the UK. We helped build a whole village, and called it the Midland Village, in the district that was raised to the ground.

The Projects:

  • 10,000 families were provided with food and water
  • 10,000 families were given quilts
  • Mr Ian Henry from the Sea Scouts in Sutton Coldfield facilitated the packing of hundreds of anoraks which were packed by the scouts and reached – Pakistan safely.
  • We built 100 houses with help from locals
  • 36 roofs for buildings
  • A school called the Midland School was born. We provided all the 700 children with school uniforms, books and equipment. Mr. Ian Roberson from – the Oak tree Trust donated 700 pens and over 300 sweat shirts
  • A dispensary with medicines was provided

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