Mother and baby Unit – breast care and maternity
Minor operations are regularly carried out in for example S Africa with local teams. The plastic surgeons also at their discretion carry out operations to cosmetically improve the persons face or make their limbs more effective and functional.
In 2012 MIAT set up the Mother and Baby project with Breast care as part of it.
Breast Care
Cancer of the breast is a serious problem in Pakistan:
Breast Project – Gujrat, Pakistan)
- One in nine women at risk in Pakistan
- Leading cause of death from all cancers
- 40,000 women die per year
- Misconception, ignorance/unequal access
Teams led by Catherine Zahidi breast care nurse from Sandwell hospital) and Mrs Shanaz Bhatti from Walsall, West Midland travelled to Pakistan and empowered women to self-examine through dummy demonstrations – these manikins were purchased and sent by MIAT.
Professor Penny McManus from Hull group of hospitals has become the lead for breast surgery and regularly visits Gujarat to operate on breasts problems including cancers. Her latest visit was in February 2016. For the breast project MIAT has provided an Ultrasound machine and a mammogram. A people carrier ferries patients to and from the villages.

Mother and baby Project