Training at Bashir Hospital

This is a continuous process with various people travelling to train and teach. Our main emphasis is in providing simple basic care of patients such as hand washing. In view of the high mortality generally in developing countries emphasis has been placed on the care of pregnant mothers and also the newborn babies. Midwives have travelled to train and teach as has Michael butler the newborn nurse specialist. He has travelled 3 times and is an enthusiastic teacher who hopes to travel more frequently in the coming months. Farida Khawaja, a specialist in emergency medicine has set the curriculum and travels frequently from Australia to reinforce emergency care. Training is provided by Dr Rafiq and Professor Gatrad when they are there too. Nurses have travelled from the UK and N Ireland to help improve nursing care, both in theatre and the wards.

Sunita a senior midwife from the Manor Hospital training and teaching Midwifery
Michael Butler – Senior newborn specialist teaching about immediate care after birth
Dr Bashir Jan Muhammad received a MIAT Bursary. Here he is training and teaching students and doctors
Lecturing at the University of Gujarat – what we do may be a drop in the ocean – but that drop in that ocean, to the person whose life we have helped changed is an ocean!
Education and Training – a lecture on heart diseases
Education – paediatric life support ‘hands on’ training
Education – paediatric life support ‘hands on’ training
Carrying out a ward round on very sick children

Vocational Training


MIAT supports vocational training in partnership with DWS its counterpart in Gujarat
Computer Classes are part of vocational training supported by MIAT
Plumbing and electrical classes – vocational training


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