Recepients of the 2014 Gatrad Bursries were all from the Manor Hospital and went to Pakistan in early 2015;
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There is now an emphasis on travel bursaries to Gujarat Pakistan in view of the near colpetion of the Jubaida Gatrad Materntiy Hospital. This year 3 Bursaries were given with specific instructions to recipients:
Michael Butler (second visit) a very senior Neonatal Nurse Practioner at the Manor Hospital Walsall: to reinforce what he taught a year ago and ensure that all those involved in the care of new born babies were trianed in neonatal resuscitation and care therefater.
Dr Bashir – Consultant Paediatrician was sent to specifically teach ‘recognition of a sick baby’ .
Linda Truman from the audiology department went to explore what services are available for deaf children and prepared a detailed account of the feasability of setting this service up with other NGOs. She is seen visiting vocational training centres that have been set up in conjunction with MIAT (Midland International Aid Trust).